Mrs. Brettne Cole » Posts


The Messenger PDF

Good morning!
I have uploaded the PDF version of "The Messenger" into Google Classroom.
Brettne Cole 

Updated link for "The Messenger"

Hey everyone!  Below is the link for Open Library.  Click on the link, and sign up for a free membership.  Once you enter your information, it will send you a verification email.  Click on the link in that email, and it will take you back to the login page.  Log in, and in the search bar, type "The Messenger Lois Lowry."  It will allow you to access the book.  The link is on the Stream in Google Classroom, as well as, attached to each novel assignment.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Link Down!

Hey all!
The link went down for the pdf of "The Messenger."  I am working on a solution to this problem, and will update everyone as soon as it is fixed.  Thanks! 

Group Emails

I have been sending out emails to both parents and students.  If you have not received an email from me in the last week, please contact me so I can figure out what is going on and fix the problem.  

Google Classroom

All assignments have been moved to Google Classroom.  Please log in to your Google account to view, complete, and submit assignments.  Any assignments that have been emailed to me DO NOT need to be redone.  
I miss all of you, and I hope you are doing well!  Email me if you need help!


If you want to email me any photos of your kids working on anything, please email them to me!  I would love to see how the kids are doing; we are able to upload them to the school website, Facebook page, and have them for the yearbook.  It is a great way to stay connected. 
Keep up the good work!
Brettne Cole 


When you are subscribing to my page, please be sure to click on your specific class, and subscribe to that class as well. 
Brettne Cole