Mrs. Melissa Gill » Behavior Management Form

Behavior Management Form

Mrs. Gill's
Behavior Management Form
This year I will be doing a Mini Lily Pad Chart & Pins for behavior in my classroom.
I do not foresee us having any behavior problems, due to the fact that we will be constantly moving and having fun. Every month your child will be given a new mini lily pad chart. Each day that we have positive behavior, they will get a frog sticker to place on their lily pad Chart. At the end of the week, if all their days have a frog sticker on them, they will get to pick a prize from the prize box. If they do not have a completed week of frog stickers, they will not receive a prize for that week, but will get a sticker 
Disciplinary Actions…
1st is a verbal correction.
2nd is a talk with the teacher.
3rd is a talk with Principal
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________