Mrs. Dalinda Rogers » Posts


Hello Students and Parents

I hope you are all getting the hang of doing your assignments at home. I have settled pretty good. I do miss all of you and cannot wait to see everyone's smiling faces. Hopefully sooner than later. I have posted the new assignments for this week on this web page and in google classroom. There are links and notes attached as well. Please, contact me if you have any questions at all. I will help any way that I can. I would love to chat with each one of you so even if you do not have a question you can always contact me just to say hi and let me know how you are doing. Please stay safe and healthy. Take care of yourselves. 
Sending you guys a big high five and a miss you :) 

Mrs. Rogers Math Class

Hoping to see you guys soon. In the mean time packets have been mailed to your homes. The worksheet you receive is content we have already gone over. But, if you do not know how to do something please contact me through email and we can set up a day and time to talk. I want to make this very simple for all of  you. So, please do not stress about anything. I am here to help you as much as possible. We can video chat, text, or email if need be. When you email me let me know which you prefer and we will make it happen. When you finish the worksheet please mail it back to receive a grade. Thank you and hope to speak with you soon.